DynaPur Housing Cover O-Ring Replacement
O-rings can wear out after extended use. As a key to preventative maintenance, we recommend having a replacement set on hand.
Housing Cover O-Rings for DigiSoftener™, DynaEnergizer™, and DynaPur™ systems.
While it is almost impossible to predict when an O-ring will fail, there are good rules of thumb to use.
First is that when servicing an item that has an O-ring installed, look at the seal to determine if there is any cracking or hazing due to degradation or damage.
Second, when servicing an item that contains a seal, if you can see it, you should replace it.
Wouldn’t it be a shame to lose the use of your System for a week while you wait for new O-rings to arrive when you could have replaced them in minutes?
To do so, remove the O-ring so it, and its groove, can be wiped clean. It’s a good idea to put a little Vaseline on the O-ring itself, then replace it in its groove, making sure it is properly seated. A positive seal will not be possible if the O-ring is missing or not seated properly.