Real Talk: Is Hydration Key?
There are so many people who feel tired, sick, and experience mental fog because of severe dehydration. Some people drink only a glass or two of water a day, and we all know someone who doesn't drink any water at all.
While we all love the convenience of bottled water, it's simply not a long term solution. Bottled water is both expensive and environmentally dangerous. Coming to this realization is one of the many reasons people opt for a home water unit. A great way to drink as much water as you need every day is to source water from your own home and carry a refillable bottle (we recommend glass) with you and sip throughout the day. This way, you can leisurely hydrate and help promote overall health while at work, in the car on the go, and during after school activities with your kids. You'll probably feel so much better drinking more water.
The body achieves homeostasis only when every bodily function is in check and thriving. Don't drink water and choose soda or juices only, and everything is thrown out of whack. Skip your greens awhile, skimp out on fiber intake, or miss meals... We've all been there and we all know how bad we feel when we put diet and health on the back burner! Could the answer to big health problems be so simple? What if you're so dehydrated that the health problems were stacking up as a consequence? What if drinking more water made you feel better in the first week? Sure, there's more to the story than simply drinking more water.
It's hard to make sure everything on the to-do list is checked off. At the end of the day, there's usually more to be done. Some things take time to fix. But taking control of your water intake is so important that it's worth giving awesome hydration a chance. You'll probably feel better in the first week and you'll be able to tackle that to-do list, and give life a run for its money.
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