The Importance of Water
Water is one of the most fundamental and sustaining elements of life. It is the key element scientists seek, to determine the viability of life on other planets, and something humans cannot live without. Every bodily function depends upon water. Thus, it only makes sense that drinking adequate amounts of the right kind of water is essential to good health and longevity.
It has long been recommended that adults drink at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of water every day, yet an estimated 99% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. The reason is, the popular beverages most people consume are not adequate substitutes for clean, healthy water.
This article will:
- Explain why water is so fundamentally important, and how much water you need to consume daily to build and maintain health.
- Provide tips for getting more healthy water into your daily regime so you can begin to experience increased health and vitality, and;
- Describe the characteristics and benefits of different kinds of water, to assist you in determining which water is right for you.
Fact: A person can survive more than a month without food, but only a few days without water… because the body is composed of up to 75% water. Here's the breakdown:
Brain - 75% water | Heart - 75% water |
Lungs - 86% water | Liver - 96% water |
Kidneys - 83% water | Muscle - 75% water |
Blood - 83% water | Bone - 22% water |
Saliva - 95% water | Perspiration - 95% water |
Water plays a vital role in health and longevity and affects every organ and body function:
- Circulation & temperature regulation: Waters is present in every cell of the body. It helps to prevent clogging of the arteries (heart attack and stroke), transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells, and provides a way for waste products to exit the body (through urine). Water also helps regulate the body’s internal heating and cooling system.
- Digestion: Water provides the medium for dissolving and delivering vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to the cells and tissues of the body, as well as the mechanism by which toxins are removed from the body.
- Lubrication: Water is an effective lubricator of joints, organs and tissues.
- Brain & cognitive function: Water plays a critical role in creating neurotransmitters like serotonin and melatonin. It may improve attention span and prevent memory loss.
Loss of Water & Signs of Dehydration

An estimated 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated and most do not know it because the thirst mechanism is so weak it is mistaken for hunger. Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving the body is greater than the amount being taken in. Causes of dehydration include inadequate fluid intake, sweating, failure to replace water after exercise, exercising in hot weather, and failure to hydrate before thirst occurs.
A person typically loses two quarts of water each day through the processes of sweating, moving, breathing and excretion / urination. When exercising vigorously or when in a hot environment, a person may lose as much as two quarts of water per hour. While a small amount of water is produced by the body as a byproduct of energy metabolism, this does not begin to replace the loss of water caused by normal daily functions. This loss of water can lead to a state of dehydration, in which the body does not receive enough water to carry on normal functions.
Dangers of dehydration
Dehydration is a serious and dangerous condition. If the body is not getting enough water, it will ration fluids by borrowing from blood volume to protect the vital organs such as brain, heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. This volume drop increases the heart rate as the body attempts to compensate for decreased blood supply to organs. Even mild cases of dehydration have been linked with increased cancer risk, kidney stones, heart attack, stroke, asthma, hypertension, ulcers, allergies, acid reflux, diabetes, and arthritis. Chronic cellular dehydration leaves the cells weakened and vulnerable to illness and disease.
Are you dehydrated?
The volume and color of your urine is an indicator of hydration level. Urine should be colorless or slightly yellow. Infrequent urination or dark yellow urine may indicate that your body is trying to conserve water loss. Other common indicators of dehydration include:
Fatigue | Irritability |
Anxiety & Depression | Short-term memory loss |
Excessive thirst or hunger | Muscle cramps |
Headache or Migraines | Weakness |
Dizziness or Lightheadedness | Dry mouth, lips and skin (skin disorders) |
Increased body temperature | Labored breathing |
Heart Palpitations or Angina Pain | Heartburn |
Decreased athletic performance | Nausea or Vomiting |
Difficulty focusing | Constipation |
Cessation of sweat or tears | Asthma and allergies |
Joint and back pain | Hypertension |
Type II diabetes | Auto immune conditions |
How much is enough?
In general, a person's minimal water requirement is about half their body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 100 lbs, you should drink 50 ounces of water per day for optimal health and hydration. If you are ill, cleansing, or physically active, it is important to increase water intake even more. Athletes and children need even more water, as do pregnant and nursing mothers. More water is required in warmer climates, during hotter temperatures and in higher altitudes. Additionally, in cold weather more water is required to replace moisture lost through skin due to heated indoor air. During air travel, additional water is needed because recycled air promotes dehydration. People who are health-compromised also need to increase intake of water.
Consider the following guidelines for achieving and maintaining a healthy level of hydration:
- 2 glasses of water upon waking – helps to activate internal organs
- 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – aids digestion
- 1 glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure
- 1 glass of water before bedtime – is thought to prevent stroke or heart attack
- Carry a large (64-96-oz.) water bottle with you wherever you go (work, errands, school).
- Replace dehydrating “coffee breaks” with super-hydrating “water breaks.”
- For variety, add slices of lemon, lime or oranges to your water for a hint of fresh flavor
- Whenever possible, drink water than free of most contaminants and is slightly alkaline.
Increasing water consumption…
- Prevents dehydration & Reduces fluid retention (swelling)
- Regulates body temperature & Prevents Constipation
- Delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells
- Provides moisture to skin and lubrication to the joints
- Strengthens muscles and support healthy bone formation
- Replenishes serotonin and melatonin in the brain
Unfortunately, unless you are drinking regularly from a high mountain stream, you’re stuck with tap and bottled water which is not as healthy and hydrating as nature intended… which means you aren’t getting the maximum benefit from your water intake.
All water is not created equal…
- Tap water: What’s on tap? Well, that depends upon what the municipality has added to your local water supply. What you need to know is that EVERY municipal water supply in America has been found to contain dangerous toxins and contaminants.
- Well water: Unlike public drinking water systems, there is no expert regularly checking the source and quality of a private drinking water supply. Potential contaminants include microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites and other microorganisms), radionuclide’s (uranium and radium), radon, nitrates, nitrites, heavy metals, fluoride, fertilizers, pesticides, and harmful chemicals from industrial products and wastes and household wastes.
- Bottled water: It’s a fact that some bottled water is actually reprocessed tap water, and that others have added sugar and sodium. Bottled water also poses the issues of toxic “out gassing” (where chemicals leach from the plastic bottle into the water contained in the bottle) and the variety of health issues that result from this chemical exposure. Additionally, landfill waste limitations and the pollution/carbon footprint generated to create the plastic itself and transport the water bottles are of serious concern to many.
- Filtered water: While economical, the carbon in some filters can break down and return contaminants to the drinking water. Filters have a limited life, and it can be difficult to determine when exactly the filter’s effectiveness is gone. Filters can also provide a breeding ground for bacteria.
- Reverse-Osmosis water: Reverse-Osmosis (RO) units provide one of the best methods of extracting contaminants, without using electricity. However, there is a serious concern that highly purified water is void of essential minerals, and thus may pose a threat to the health of bones and teeth.
- Distilled water: Distillers make the purest water. While most distillers are electric, they still take hours to make water and can create heat and humidity. Although a distiller mimics nature’s process of rain, distilled water does not taste like rainwater because all of the minerals have been removed. Like RO, distilled water is stripped of essential minerals.
- Natural alkaline water: Some areas of the world are fortunate to have naturally occurring alkaline water. This is the water that is found in nature’s most famous healing Mecca’s… places such as Lourdes, France and Vilcabamba, Ecuador. Hundreds of thousands of people travel to these locations on pilgrimages every year to experience the healing powers of this water.
Nature’s Perfect Solution: Alkaline, Energized Water!
Water-Revolution™ has developed a natural energized media technology which transforms ordinary, dead tap water into antioxidant-loaded, mineral and oxygen-rich, living alkaline water…without the use of electricity. Our energized media solution is very effective in reducing and removing contaminants as well.
Drinking energized alkaline water is a way to renew the body at a cellular level. Our Water-Revolution™ water mimics nature’s best water because the size of the water molecule clusters is reduced and the shape altered to allow the water to pass through the cell membranes much more easily. As a result, this water is up to 6 times more hydrating than other water! This special water is also a natural source of antioxidants that can help to fight disease and support healthy aging.
Alkaline energized water can help:
- Hydrate the cells
- Provide power antioxidants
- Detoxify the body
- Neutralize acidity
- Support pH balance
- Maintain strong bones
- Promote healthy weight loss
- Athletes perform better and recover more quickly
- Promote healthier skin
- Maximize brain power
Here’s what some of the experts are saying about alkaline, antioxidant water…
“Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste. After carefully evaluating the results of my advice to hundreds of patients, I’m convinced that toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of degenerative diseases.” .” ~ Dr. Sherry Rogers, author of “Detox or Die”
“International studies show that populations with little or no history of illness, such as cancer…drink higher pH alkaline waters. After all the potential risk factors were considered and factored out, it became evident that they had been drinking waters with pH of 8.0 to 9.0” ~ Dr. Leonard Horowitz, from his book “Aids and Ebola”
“I believe that all disease in the body is caused by an over-acidification of the blood, tissues and then the organs. Drinking Alkaline Water is the easiest way for most people to turn this around.” ~ Dr. Robert O. Young, internationally renowned author of the bestselling “pH Miracle” books
Thanks to Water-Revolution™, you can get the BEST water… at home!
Water-Revolution™ has pioneered a line of point-of-use equipment utilizing new Generation 3 water filtration and energized media technology. The incredible AlkaPurity™ models feature a unique multi-stage process in which the water is first purified, and then put through a second phase of filtration which energizes and alkalizes it. AlkaPurity combines the benefits of Reverse Osmosis purification with our proprietary energized media which naturally creates a healthy level of alkalinity, superior hydration, and antioxidant benefits.

At Water-Revolution, we’re committed to leading the industry with the ultimate water solutions!
© 2022 Water-Revolution, LLC